Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Perez: Love Him or Hate Him?

We all know of the famous blogger/socialite/celebrity Perez Hilton. Me personally, I think he is great, but others might not feel the same way. Because of his vulgar use of language and somewhat "low blows" he gives to other famous celebs, he might not have the best rep. For me, is my favorite way to keep up with the latest gossip. Sometimes he even blogs about important news stories, not just the ins and outs of A-list celebrities.  Although he sometimes may be a tad on the inappropriate side, he adds a lighter mood to touchy subjects such as the Tiger Woods affairs, Lindsay Lohan's "Lindsanity', and the Britney Spears comeback.  What better way to get your daily dose of Gossip then to visit Perez's site!! What do you guys think? !! CHECK OUT PEREZ HERE !!