Monday, March 19, 2012

Last hoo-rah!!!

Coming back from my LAST spring break I will ever have is a very stressful, scary, and sad thing. The real world is officially starting to kick in and I am not happy about it. Not only did I not go away anywhere tropical and fun for spring break (like most of my friends and classmates), but I also got strep throat. Talk about miserable. I almost want to delete my Facebook for this next week so I don't have to see all the ptures and conversations about how fun everyone else's spring break. After my first, long day back of a million different people asking me how my spring break was, I am starting to realize how short of time I have left in my college career. I have yet to apply to any jobs and I don't even want to because I HATE thinking about not being in college anymore. These terrible thoughts I am having are putting me in this lazy rut which is NOT good. I can't help but wonder if I am the only one going through this end of college crisis. As there anyone else out there having these thoughts? If so, please, HELP!!