Sunday, January 29, 2012


Working at a bar is honestly the best job to have during college. Working is not exactly something I ever enjoy, especially when I am back home working at a hair salon with 30 hormonal women every day. But being a bartender, especially at Marty's, is a job that should be on a reality t.v. show or something. The things I see (soberly I might add) drunk people do is hilarious. When I am out, I never realize how crazy people act because I myself am usually drinking as well. For instance, when I was working this weekend we had guest DJ's from Chicago so we had a pretty large crowed. I was bar tending the section closest to the dance floor, so I got a front row seat to all the drunk dancers. It's funny how when people get drunk they automatically think they are on So You Think You Can Dance or something. I never laugh harder then when I look at the way some people dance. And to think back in the day people used to hold hands and to the waltz and that sort of thing. Now it is all bumping and grinding, which is a very awkward dance to watch by the way!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Weekend

Even though the weekend has been over for a few days now, it was so eventful that I am STILL thinking about it. Saturday was my roommate/ best friends 22nd birthday and we threw a party at our apartment. A couple of our friends visited from home, which made the weekend extra fun. Even though we though we really didn't have any friends (besides all the girls that live at Marty's apartments with us), A LOT of people ended up showing up to our party. We had a DJ and everything :). Everyone is pretty sad that the 21st birthdays are over, so we are trying to celebrate just as much for everyone's 22nd. It ended up getting pretty icy outside before our walk home Saturday night. I was walking hang in hand with my friend Missy who was visiting, and so when she took a tumble she dragged me down with her. I now have a massive bruise on the side of my hip. It isn't pretty.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

College Livin'

Last week,  I wasn't exactly sure what direction I wanted to go with my blog. I had convinced myself that my life was too boring to write about anything interesting, so I discussed a story that had nothing to do with my life. It was a touching story, but again, it had nothing to do with me personally. So after having some time to brainstorm topics that could be interesting, I looked around and saw my 3 roommates, along with our 4 friends the live downstairs all hanging out, and realized, what is more interesting then the things we do here at Marty's Apartments? Nothing. We have at least one hilarious thing happen a day here at Marty's Apts. Considering our entire building is filled with our close friends, there is always something to do. 12 college girls just trying to get buy on good grades and fun times. So, I leave you with just a preview of what will come of this blog about my crazy college lifestyle. I leave you with a picture of myself and my three roommates so you can always have someone to picture when listening to all of my stories. Some of you may know that Marty's apartments fit only 4 people in each, so the reason you see 5 girls in this photo is because my original roommate Emily, switched with my new roommate Ansu, and I still consider her one of the roomies! :) ENJOY!!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Holiday Magic

Even though it has been a few weeks since the holidays have passed, there has been occurance from this years holiday season that cannot seem to escape my mind. The older I have become, the more I consider the holiday season a stressful time rather than a happy one. The stress of spending more money than you should, and the realization that you didn't accomplish everything you wanted to that year is sometimes too much to handle. With that said, something happened to a close friend a few days before the new year that showed me and many others that there is ALWAYS a light at the end of the tunnel.

When I am back home I work at a hair salon as a shampoo assistand and receptionist. One of the ladys who does hair there, Jacey, is in her early 40's, and has a sister who is 21 who also works reception with me, her name is Tara. Jacey gave up a child for adoption when she was 20. She had been having a rough couple of weeks with family drama and other stressful occurances. She had cried a couple of times in the back room at the salon so I was really starting to feel her pain. A couple days before the new year, we had a young girl around 20 check in for a nail appointmen, and as she was leaving she handed Tara, Jacey's younger sister, an envelope and asked her to please deliver the note to Jacey at the end of the night.

As 9 p.m. rolled around, Jacey came up to grab her tips and as she did so Tara handed her the envelope. Within 30 seconds of reading Jacey became overwhelmed with emotion and started bawling hysterically and ran into the back room. The girl who wrote the letter turned out to be Erin, the child Jacey had given up for adoption 20 years ago. She letter stated how thankful she was for the fantastic life Jacey had given her, and offered her phone number in hopes Jacey would want to get to know her even more.

Jacey called her immediately after and they hung out consistantly over the duration of my break. Jacey even brought her out one night so I got to meet her! Ever since Jacey has had a different light about her. She walks more happily and just seems like a weight has been liften off her shoulders.

This was a story that truly touched my heart.  I honestly started to cry when I went in to work and found out what had happened. It just goes to show you that at the worst times in your life, it will always be followed by a beautiful light.